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3 Questions You Should Ask in Every Questionnaire and Why

Make the most of your HoneyBook Questionnaires. HoneyBook Pro Tonisha Stalnaker covers the top three questions you should be asking your leads and clients to get all the information you need.


HoneyBook Questionnaires are a powerful tool to capture important information about your leads and clients. Instead of going back and forth in phone calls and emails to vet leads, simply send out your questionnaire and easily capture everything you need to know to determine if there’s a good client fit. 

Tonisha Stalnaker, HoneyBook Pro and CEO of Stalnaker Virtual Solutions, reveals the top three questions she includes in her questionnaires.  With her pro tips, you’re on your way to building an efficient enrollment process for your leads and potential clients.

1. Tell Me About Your Business

Tonisha always includes an open-ended question that asks her leads to tell her about their business with as much detail as possible. Within the question, she prompts her potential clients to talk about what motivates them, what they love about their business and what pain points they have. 

This question helps Tonisha better understand the unique needs of each potential client so she can determine what tools she needs to properly assist them. By applying this type of question in your questionnaires, you’ll make the space to understand where each client is coming from when they reach out to you. You’ll be equipped with the information you need to serve them best.

Screenshot of Tonisha's contact form with the first question "please describe your busines"

2. Have You Hired For This Need Before?

Asking this question with a simple yes or no selection can give you more insight into how you would be working with this client and what level of onboarding they may require. If it’s the first time they’ve hired a professional like you, you’ll know they may need more education along the way. On the other hand, someone who’s used similar services in the past might have more knowledge about what you can accomplish for them.

Screenshot of a questionnaire question "Have you hired for these services before?"

3. Are You Generating Consistent Income?

Though you might not want to include your service pricing this early in the booking process (say, for example, you need to evaluate the scope of their needs before sharing a quote), it’s best to evaluate your leads’ budget before you get too far. The third essential question that Tonisha asks is if they’re generating consistent income and if they have at least $1,000 to invest in her support. 

Even if you have the ability to offer flexible pricing, you know the baseline budget that a potential client will need to work with you. By asking this question you can easily determine whether someone just won’t be able to afford your services. This will save you and your team time. If it turns out that a lead does not meet your minimum financial requirement, asking this question creates the opportunity for you to offer them something else at a more budget-friendly price point like a digital product, such as an online course.

Screenshot of questionnaire questions asking about client budget

Move Forward With an Intake Form

Once you’ve vetted your leads with an enrollment questionnaire, Tonisha also recommends using a HoneyBook Questionnaire for your intake form. The intake form is what you would send out after booking a project with a new client to gather the more specific information you’ll need to get started. For example, if your project will include social media or web management, this is the best step to ask for log-in information and a list of tools. You can use the intake form to gain the access you need to begin working with them.

Building HoneyBook Questionnaires

HoneyBook Questionnaires allow you to gain the valuable information you need to make the best decisions for your business while also saving time! If you need more help with your setup, check out the HoneyBook Pros program. You can work with Tonisha one-on-one to get your questionnaires and other HoneyBook features set up and working toward your business goals.

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