If you aren’t given a seat at the table, you need to create your own. Tasha McCaskiel did exactly that when she founded Black Girls in Media, a networking organization that is dedicated to uplifting and supporting minority women within the media industry. Listen in to hear how you can start creating your own opportunities, what media trends you should jump on this year, and how to create an engaged community!
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The origins of Black Girls in Media
When Tasha was fresh out of grad school, she expected to have job offers that would kick start her career. Instead, she found herself moving back home and working at an eyeglass shop. When she started to feel alone in this position, she started a group chat with other women who were struggling to get hired. That’s when her community began to form and she saw a need for women like her.
The group chat was a place to share resources and support, and it became an amazing networking opportunity. Within the first year, Tasha launched networking events across major cities in the US.
The community continued to grow, and now, Tasha uses it to help minority women get hired in the media industry.
The power of an email list
One of Tasha’s most powerful resources at Black Girls in Media is her email list—too many small business owners aren’t utilizing email. Tasha has worked hard to grow her email list through social media and networking events. It has become the key communication tool to stay connected to her audience.
In addition to email, there are a few other media trends that small business owners should jump on in 2025:
- Podcasting
- User-generated content
- Community first strategies (then build your business around the community)
How to create an engaged community
As you connect with your audience through different media platforms, it’s important to understand what they want from you. The key to growing a long-term engaged community is evolving with your audience. As long as you continue to serve them, they will come with you wherever you go.
You need to learn what your community wants and needs and adjust your offerings based on that. Don’t be afraid to take up space and share your story–the right people will find you and stick with you.
Three things you can do to start growing a community:
- Set your intentions
- Make sure there is a need or a want for what you’re offering–tune into your audience
- Build the community first and then determine a revenue model to monetize it
How to handle burnout when people rely on you
Building a community that creates opportunities comes with a lot of responsibility and pressure, often leading to burnout. Tasha experienced a season of burnout last year after her conference, and she ended up taking a four-month sabbatical. Luckily, her community understood and had her back. It’s important to be clear about your own needs, especially when you spend most of your time serving others.
As a business owner, you’re going to have seasons that are busy and seasons of rest, and you need to embrace both. Tasha’s time off left her feeling rejuvenated and excited to get back to work.
Her top advice for business owners in 2025 is to prioritize mental health. If you aren’t feeling well mentally or physically, your business will not thrive.
What does having an unbreakable business mean to you?
Tasha believes that having an unbreakable business means having a valuable business. Your business brings value to your community and the world.
Important sections of the conversation
- [27:00] What does having an unbreakable business mean to you?
- [2:12] The origins of Black Girls in Media
- [6:16] You need to focus on your email list
- [8:12] Media trends that business owners should jump on
- [12:13] How to build an engaged community
- [15:39] Black Girls in Media in 2025
- [17:48] Three things you can do to start growing a community
- [19:51] How to handle burnout when people rely on you
Connect with Guest
- Tasha’s Instagram: instagram.com/tashjmackk
- Black Girls in Media: blackgirlsinmediainc.com
Episode transcript
Akua: The biggest reminder from today’s episode, if you are not given a seat at the table, then make your own Tasha McCaskill, who is the founder of black girls in media, which is a networking organization that is dedicated to uplifting and supporting women of color within the media industry. Tasha walks us through how she started black girls in media and how she’s been able to build a successful and engaged community and how you can create your own space as a business owner.
I absolutely loved this conversation. It was just. It’s so refreshing and I know you’re going to love it just as much as I did. Now let’s get into the episode. Welcome to Unbreakable Business, the podcast where we uncover the untold stories behind entrepreneurship. This isn’t about polished success stories.
It’s about the sleepless nights, unexpected roadblocks, and unshakable grit that builds businesses that last. Every week we sit down with entrepreneurs who faced it all, sharing raw, honest conversations about challenges. Growth and the moments that made them unbreakable. Whether you’re just starting out or chasing your next breakthrough, this podcast is your reminder that you have the strength to keep going.
Hello? Hello, Tasha. How are we doing today? We are good. How are you Doing? Good. I’m so excited to have you come on the show because I feel like what you have done, what you have created, uh, black girls in media is just so important and so needed. And so I’m so excited for our audience to get to know you, your story, um, how you’ve built your successful businesses and just overall the impact you’re making.
So thank you for being here.
Tasha: Yes. No, thank you. I’m so excited.
Akua: The first thing that comes to mind to me, right, is I have been, um, did you watch Beyonce, her Super Bowl performance? I mean, Beyonce Bowl. Of course. Of course, right? I didn’t watch the game. I just tuned in straight to the show. But the reminder came up to me because we all obviously know like, you know, with her coming out with her country album and then she didn’t get it nominated for a single CMA award.
And it just, after that performance, it was just such a clear reminder to me, like, if you are not given a seat at the table, make your own. And I feel like your story is such a huge reflection of that similarly and your journey. And so walk us through a little bit of essentially how you started black girls in media, but also where was that like defining moment where you were like enough, like I’m going to build something for myself and others.
Tasha: Yeah. Well, it’s so funny because I created it really to help myself as selfish as that sounds. But no, but really it, you know, I was just like fresh out of grad school and I was, you know, expecting to have a full time job immediately after I graduated. And that just wasn’t the case. I had to come back home to North Carolina, uh, working at like an eyeglass place.
And I’m just like, Oh my gosh, like, how do I even get to work? Um, so I just started a group chat with like some girls that I may be like interned with or worked an event with and it really just grew from there and I really was in the chat like, Hey guys, like, are y’all getting hired? Do you have any contacts?
And so I always like to say like something that I started to help myself just ended up helping countless others. And so super organic and that’s super, um, that’s lovely to experience. So, but I will say, I guess that was just my own way of. the way that I created my own seat at the table was sitting down with others to help me.
Akua: Yeah, for sure. And I, you know, and I, what I love about that so much is that like you said, um, that was selfishly for me and there’s no shame in that. When you try to get a job, you got to do what you got to do. So absolutely. But I like that you were just like, Hey, like, I’m just going to really lean into my connections and community and like, let’s.
see what comes up. But as you have been building this community, um, as you have built like where it’s like thousands of black women, um, how did it evolve into that? As you just started like, Hey, I was just trying to find something for myself. And you started with a group chat. How did that evolve to where you found other people, black women, especially like they’re also not having the same opportunities.
Tasha: So, um, you know, once I added a lot of colleagues into the chat, it really just took a life of its own. And I love to say also like I really just learned as I went along, which is, you know, probably most of the people you have on here say like when you’re starting a business, you just learn. Don’t even know you just you know one break at a time.
So that was really the case Um, so of course we were in the group chat talking every day dropping resources And so, you know the ladies wanted to of course everyone lived all over but you know Everybody was like, oh my gosh, let’s get up like I would love to meet you all So then that’s when i’m like, okay, let’s do it.
So the first Within the first year, like 2018, um, I started doing like networking branches and different like major areas. So we did LA, we did like the DMV, we did New York, where else? Of course, Charlotte, cause that’s where I’m from. So yeah, that was just the place where we could get together, network and see each other in person.
Um, and then from there, it just. Learning in the audience, learning more of what the community wanted is how I grew it. Um, whether that was, you know, working with companies, how I do now with, um, hiring and like job opening, sharing that within the group and, you know, countless other resources, just whatever I can do to get the community members.
Um, and I think it’s really important to just help and bring them value. That’s really what I did just like step by step, day by day.
Akua: Yes. I love that though. Step by step, day by day. Right? Like I think sometimes when we see the success of others, it’s really, we forget that every single day they had to pour into it.
Every single day they had to put one foot in front of the other. And what started as a small group chat has completely evolved into something amazing. And that’s just like making an impact for so many black women everywhere. And so as like somebody who works. in media. I think for small business owners, number one, that we think that visibility, especially for our businesses, is only through, um, social media.
And so as somebody who’s working in media, where do you think that you see small business owners are like slacking? Like where we’re not essentially really leveraging other sources that could be very beneficial for us in our business.
Tasha: Um, I would definitely say email, um, and I feel like I’ve grown our email list mainly from social media, but also I leverage our email list through like our events.
So anytime we have an event, I make sure I gather that data. Um, and really that’s something that I learned just in general, like how much data is so important. So whether it’s a virtual or in person event, make sure you have that spreadsheet of attendees. Upload that into your email list because they want to stay updated anyway, most of the time.
And so yeah, even when i’m not posting on social media We always have like a growing email list where we send weekly, you know check ins and new products new events and things like that so I think business owners should definitely make sure they have that in 2025 because You know, we never know what as we can see we don’t know what social media platforms will stay and go
Akua: No, I think, I love that you brought that up, email marketing, that is something that is on the forefront for me as well this year, for my business, because even, I just recently hired an OBM and she is just currently launching her own business, so I’m like coaching her, just sharing things that I messed up on, I’m like, don’t make the same mistakes.
Right, I said to her was, Your email list like if I could go back and start over that is the first thing I would have done is truly Your email list because even when I launched my storytelling for creatives course last month like the beta round It was my email that found me all of the seats to fill up my beta round My and I was like that is just where okay the data right the data like okay That’s where the money is for me is email.
And so really emphasizing that more, leaning more into the email marketing and really nurturing that audience of my community so that hopefully it’ll give me a lot more of the results that I’m looking for. And this question kind of to just popped into my head. Sorry. Cause I feel like I’m like pivoting back and forth, but like it just popped ahead and I’m so interested, you know, because obviously black girls in media.
What are you seeing right now in the trends of just media in general? And how can business owners essentially kind of hop onto that?
Tasha: So what I see for, of course, you know, media as we know is broad, um, because what is, what is your experience in media? None. You’re in media podcasting. Podcasting. Yeah, for sure.
So, um, Yeah, no, I think, I think the, the opportunities in media, you know, I know we see a lot of people are concerned because, you know, like we have physical magazines that aren’t performing as well as they used to, and, um, A lot of media jobs, especially during the pandemic, um, a lot of in person, like productions weren’t happening.
So we saw the strike and things like that impact media careers. But I think that there’s still a lot of opportunity, like, you know, podcasting. A lot of people have knowledge to share and sharing their stories. I know I listen to podcasts every single day. So there’s a lot of opportunity in that. Even with jobs, I think that, you know.
Especially like with creator and like, what is it? UGC content, like people, you know, user user generated content. Yeah. Um, every day I’m on social media and I see people, you know, reviewing a business or, you know, um, just anything. So I think that there’s just so many opportunities still in media. Um, just depending on what route you want to go in.
Akua: I know. I just realized too, where I was like, yeah, I don’t do anything. And I’m like, oh yeah, podcasting, like in my mind. That’s not media. Really? Like I instinctively did not think that this is media. You know what I mean? I’m like, yeah, I just, I’m, I’m podcasting, but that is true. That’s. That’s, that’s media.
And I think too, cause I also speak and I’m like, Oh yeah, that is also a form of media. Yeah. Yeah. So for business, like instinctively, I just didn’t naturally lean that way. And so it’s like, even like for business owners, like some of us are naturally already doing those things. And so a lot of us are in media, but I think.
I think for us, we just need to find, be more strategic with getting those opportunities because I have started to see more, a lot of business owners who have built these successful brands that is leading into a lot more incredible PR opportunities that has really taken their business like to the next level being featured in certain areas.
And so what is, If business owners like myself, right, we’re trying to get more out there. What is one resource that business owners that we can be doing to really, that we’re sleeping on essentially that could really like put us on the map. Like, you know, obviously we were podcasting speaking and they’re like, maybe an, an, something innovative that we’re just not thinking of.
Tasha: I think it’s instead of saying business in 2025, we should. We can say business, but anytime we think about a business, we should think community. Um, because I believe that I started a community without really realizing it. And in turn, I had the community first and then the business. So I, I built a community and then I’m like, okay, how can I monetize this?
How can I, so it was a little harder, but I don’t regret that because I see a lot of business owners like your local pizza shop where, you know, the pizza is good, but they’re not making any sales because. They’re missing out on an email list. They’re missing out on a social media community. They’re missing out on influencers that can help or like, maybe they can start a podcast.
So, you know, instead of just looking at your business as a pizza shop, think of it as, um, a pizza shop with a community, um, maybe a pizza community. And that could, you know, just rewiring your brain that way can really expand your business, um, from, you know, small to large, I feel.
Akua: Yeah. And I love that instead of viewing it as a business view it as a community.
And so you even mentioned of trying to monetize your community. I think a lot of times we don’t, when we think of community, I think naturally as community, like as business owners, we don’t necessarily equate it to revenue. And I think that’s something that we still need to get better on because community has such a large ROI way more than people realize.
And sometimes even if you don’t see it right away, you’ll absolutely see it later. And so for you, as you have built black girls in media, What were some strategies that you have done, number one, to build it? Because it’s a very engaged, because also building community is one. The other layer, too, is keeping everybody engaged.
And then three, monetizing it. Like right there. I feel like there’s like different layers to it. And so for you, how have you kept people engaged? Have you grown it and kept people engaged? And then what were some strategies that you have used where you like saw that led to growth with your dollars as well?
Tasha: Yeah, so great question. I think for one just going back to that tidbit of community. I think the big the major thing about community is Everybody who’s gonna follow you, you know, whatever product you release that your community is there for you Whatever, you know support financially you need your community is gonna back you and then your community is gonna grow as the years go by So I feel like it’s just it’s like a guaranteed Revenue source, because as long as you serve that community and continue to increase it or improve it, your community will always be there for you.
They’re not going to betray you. So yeah, that’s really what I did, you know, just growing step by step, but then also learning, learning and growing with my community, you know, what they might’ve wanted in 2024, that’s what I’ve been working on is studying to see, you know, what products, what services we provided last year.
That, you know, they didn’t really hop on what services did they love and which services do we need to implement this year? So, you know, just always providing value, I think is how the community has grown. Um, and just really put in them first, you know, like, cause, because something that I might want, they might not want.
So I, you know, really like, I keep my ear to what they’re saying and what they’re struggling with too, finding that solution.
Akua: Yeah, I love that. I think again, that’s just so important. We actually, I’ve recorded an episode a couple weeks ago about like the power of listening and how a lot of us, we listen, but we listen just to respond.
And so how do we much more intentional with our audience so that we can get a clear understanding. A lot of the times too, we have to be so much more intentional with listening because when you hear somebody speak, usually they’re not telling you the full reason as to why they want.
So I think I love that of how you have taken that time to really study, study like your audience through and through. And I just love with you is like, you just kept showing up of like, this is who I am like authentically. This is where I’m at. And yeah. People stuck with you. And I think that just goes to the show.
Again, the power of showing up and the power of showing up authentically in who you are and not being ashamed of that. I think a lot of the times as we’re growing our business, we. It’s easy to compare and see what other people are doing. And we kind of like either edit ourselves, hold ourselves back or play small.
When essentially what you want to do is to take up that space and the right people are going to stick with you. So when you do have your products or services that are coming out, people are riding for you no matter what, like that loyalty. is, is there. And so even to like now as like in 2025, what are you seeing for black girls in media?
Like what are, what are your, what are some things that you’re excited to be working on?
Tasha: Um, so I’m really excited for our events. Um, our in person events or something that cause I, when I started first started doing events, I did the branches, the networking, you know, not that much effort, I guess, went into that.
It just like everybody come, I’ll find a place and let’s. Um, and then during the pandemic, I really dug deeper and I figured out how much connection people were missing and how much motivation people were lacking. Um, so I did the first virtual conference for us and, you know, I had panelists and even the panelists were excited because they weren’t working.
So it’s like, it just gave everybody a sense of like purpose and I just love stuff like that. And so that gave me practice. To do the first in person conference that we did in Atlanta, 2022. And then we did the second one last year in New York. So, you know, just, um, and it grows, our events grow every year.
So I’m definitely looking to do the conference again, this year, haven’t released the date or the place yet, but I like doing different cities to, you know, reach everyone. Um, so yeah, events, what else I would say just expanding on all forms of media too, because what will black girls in media be if. Me, myself, I wasn’t in media.
So, um, I left my full time actually last year. I was in the social space at Uncorporate. So yeah, this year I want to expand more creatively with media. We had a podcast, Black Girls Media, the podcast, a few years ago. So I think this year I want to bring it back. Um, so you inspire me. Yes, absolutely. Yes. So, um.
Yeah. I think that’s it.
Akua: Well, that’s exciting. And number one, congratulations leaving your full time job back into like going into full time entrepreneurship. Like that is amazing. And I think sometimes we forget of how hard that is to do. Oh, it’s so hard. Literally. It looks
Tasha: glamorous, but I’m struggling.
Akua: Yes. But I’m so, so excited for you because it’s such a beautiful journey. And like the fact that you have this amazing community that you have built, um, that you, you know, get to. You know, just continue to fully pour into it. And that is amazing. Even too with the conference. And it’s very clear just even talking with you that like events are your gifts and really just creating spaces for people to gather.
And I truly do think that that is a big gift and not everybody can do that. So even for business owners are like, I’m looking to really grow that community. I’m looking to build my own table. What are like three things that they can do today to start that even like, even if they want to put something small or maybe even put on a conference, whatever, whatever people’s heart desire.
But what are your thoughts on that?
Tasha: Yeah. So I would say the first thing is set your intentions. Um, because, you know, with social media, we can sometimes have an idea and we realize like once the work starts, like, I don’t even really want to do it. That wasn’t even really my idea. Like, just because you like knitting, you don’t have to start a knitting community.
You know what I mean? Um, so just really set your intentions, make sure that this is what you really want to do. And also kind of make sure that People are asking for it before you start it. Um, and so I think that that’s key. Like once you, cause me, once I saw people were looking to me for answers every single day, it made me realize like, okay, I can’t give up.
Like I have to keep showing up. So one, um, set your intentions to. See if there is a need or a want for what you’re starting. Maybe, you know, check your content comments or ask people what they think. And so yeah, do that research. And then three. I would say build first and then, um, I really think my model worked build it first and then decide your revenue model because that can kind of turn people off if you’re just automatically like, here’s my community pay and you know, it’s like, well, what am I paying for?
I have to believe in it first.
Akua: Yeah, I, I think those are really, really great points of like, just because you like knitting, that doesn’t mean you have to create a knitting community because I think that’s like a perfect example because truly, you can easily get burnt out in community, right, because like, especially when you, like yourself, are like, The person who has created it and people are looking up to you, like it requires a lot out of you.
And so like, it really has to be something that sparks joy. It really has to be something that truly excites you where you are able to sustain it. And so even for you, how are you sustaining it? Right? Like how are you? Where you’re not getting burnt out where you’re still enjoying what you’re doing, right?
Like how are you finding that balance between you and your needs and then still also as well pouring into the community?
Tasha: Um, well, this is a great question because honestly after the second conference last year I did experience burnout, you know, just because of how hard Throwing large events are I kind of underestimated a lot of things even though this is my second go around I was a little hard on myself.
So just mentally physically I was burnt out. Um, I took a I guess I didn’t even realize like a four month break sabbatical, um, and You know, I just I realized I needed it because I was lacking motivation. I was lacking I just couldn’t pour, um, I couldn’t serve my community at the time and luckily it was like the summer.
It was post conference So I think everybody understood Thankfully and so now I feel recharged and I think that it’s important for business owners To embrace seasons like you’re gonna have seasons where you need rest You’re gonna have seasons where you’re busy and those rest seasons make you more grateful Um, for the busy seasons, because now instead of like, Oh my gosh, I have to do this.
I’m excited for the new year. I’m like, Oh my gosh. Yay. Like I’m back. You know?
Akua: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I love that. I think that’s like that point of like those seasons of rest make you grateful for like when you actually are working, especially like, again, it just reignites that fire in you. And so if you could go back, like, especially within that season, what would you have done differently in the burnout
Tasha: season?
Honestly, I think maybe start earlier. Um, you know, I’m, I used to consider myself a, a good procrastinator. Um, because like, it’s like, yeah, I can procrastinate. I can wait until the last minute, but I get it done. Like I used to take pride in that. And then I realized that. I have to pay the cost if I move in that pace.
So I’m learning to pace myself to learn that I don’t have to rush, but also just make sure you’re executing. Um, so yeah, I’m just really, I’m still learning adapting new work styles, um, more work life balance, but then also discipline to get things done because you know, did I need to take that many months off?
Maybe not, but. Because I was so exhausted, I did. So I think maintaining that healthy rhythm is like key. Yes.
Akua: And I mean, you did deserve. Yeah. Take that off. Take that for me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No guilt in that. None. None. None. None. None. You know what I mean? Like, we deserve to rest. It’s our birthright.
Like, no shame if it was six months, a year, whatever. Like, you know what I mean? Like, rest isn’t earned. And I think that’s just such an important reminder. It’s like, it’s truly what our body and like, what our soul and our spirit just need in order to continue to do what we’ve been called to do. And so, and I love what you said too.
I’m just really excited. Not a bad idea. If you’re like exploring your work style and also to really how to pace yourself because I’m the same way, Like that pride thing that I’m also really working to deconstruct myself was like, Well, I’m gonna get it done regardless. And that is that me. But again, it comes at a cost, right?
Your sleep until your state stay up till 10. 6 a. m. in the morning, right? And like, you’re crabby, you’re functional, and you can’t even get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Um, you know, and I think that’s just such a good point of really pacing ourselves. Because if we do have it in our mind, like, well, I have plenty of time, it’s okay.
I have plenty of time, it’s okay. And I know some people are like, well, I feel like I thrive, uh, procrastinating. But I’m like, yeah, at what cost? Because I’m like, is it, is it truly worth it? And so I love that. Yes. And I love that you already like are picking up on that. And I think that’s just such, even for me, like such a good reminder of what is the pace and the rhythm that I’m currently living in my life and business.
And is it sustainable for me with the goals that I want to achieve? And so I love that. That’s just so, so important. And so I’ve loved this conversation. It has been so good. Yeah, it’s so fun. And so if you, as you like again, 2025, what is the one key thing That you advice that you would give to business owners.
Tasha: I think maintaining our, um, and focusing, prioritizing our mental health. Yeah. Yeah. Because, you know, first of all, if we’re not good mentally, physically, our business is not good. So making sure that’s intact. Also, when you do that and you prioritize your mental, you’re able to slow down. Um, you know, just like we had this interview.
Scheduled out months in advance. You know, it didn’t have to be, Oh my gosh, let’s do it next week. You know, like it’s everything is in divine timing, really. So I think that once we stay grounded this year and move at a healthy pace, we’ll realize we’ll come to the end of the year, realizing that like, wow, everything came together organically, you know.
Akua: Yes. Yeah. I love that divine timing because I always say like, what’s for you, won’t pass you. And I think to your point of like, That’s just such a good thing like there things just don’t need to be a rush because when you are rushing you it Leads to you missing opportunities. It leads to you missing things that could have Absolutely made your life easier and xyz or maybe just even ways that you just never thought of and so I think yeah Like you just sharing that divine timing like that’s just such a good reminder of like it’s okay to slow down and I was currently Rereading this book called homecoming like I’m currently just started reading it again with dr Tama Bryant and this line has stuck out to me of like Whenever, of course we’re adults and we always try to rationalize things as we should, but she also said too, that your rational mind should not be more important than your heart, body, and spirit.
And so, yeah, so even now, like I have been thinking about like, yes, of course being rational and as an adult, but I also feel like entrepreneurship, sometimes we rationalize 1000%, but sometimes some certain things you just. It doesn’t require that, like sometimes it’s more so your heart that’s speaking louder, your body, your spirit, that’s screaming, yes, like do this, but though it may not be rational, right?
Like, so I think even for me, like, I just love just tying that all back in together of like that divine timing and really just listening to yourself, slowing down, going at your own pace so that you are present with your heart, your body, your spirit, um, to even see if this aligns. Cause when you are just kind of going everywhere.
It’s like you end up in a, on a, you may end up down a road where you’re like, I didn’t even want to be here. This is not what I was looking for. And so I love, love, love that. So thank you so much for sharing that. And a question that we love to end with now with every episode on the unbreakable business, our new podcast, um, what is having an unbreakable business mean to you?
Tasha: Ooh, an unbreakable business to me is, um, A valuable business. Yeah. I think value will take you so much longer, whether it’s personal relationships, whether it’s business, when you bring value to people, um, it stays and it’s, it’s just worth a lot and you can’t, you know, how relationships are valuable. You don’t want to fumble.
So I think businesses that are unbreakable are valuable. They bring value to people, the community, the world, and. What would make that, what would ruin that? You know?
Akua: Yes. I love that value. And I think again, if all else fails in your business, lead with value. I think if anything, if you don’t know where to go next, serve and like what you, like your audience response will tell you where you need to go.
I think that’s just such a perfect thing. Love that so much. And Tasha, I have loved this conversation. So inspiring. So fun to see the work that you’re doing. And I’m going to just say this to hold it accountable, girl. Bring back that podcast.
Tasha: I know I need that. Yeah, we will.
Akua: But for those who want to connect with you, how can we support you?
Um, let us know where we can find you.
Tasha: Yeah, so you all can follow my personal, um, social media, which is Tosh J Mack with two K’s, so Tosh J Mack, T A S H. Um, and then you can follow Black Girls Media everywhere at Black Girls N Media, I N Media. Um, we’re everywhere, so yes, follow us, we have some exciting things.
Akua: Yes, absolutely. Well, Tasha, thank you. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you. And for everybody. Yes, absolutely. And for everybody listening, until next time. Thanks for tuning in to Unbreakable Business. If you loved today’s episode, don’t forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share it with someone who needs a little extra inspiration.
Remember, no matter what life throws your way, you have the power to keep going and your business can be unbreakable too. Until next time, keep building, keep growing, and stay unbreakable.